公务员面试 英语(公务员面试英语专业测试内容)

   日期:2023-05-10     移动:http://mapp.b2b-1.com/news/347139.html

Job Interview No-NO’s!(II)


“If you hire me don’t tell the Welfare(福利机构) until I get my Jeep paid off(还完款).”

“The sticky stuff on my sleeve isn’t what you think. (袖子上的粘性物体跟你想的不是一回事)”

“You don’t have the BALLs(舞会) to hire someone like me!”

“If you hire me, I will show up(露面). That’s all I can promise for sure, but maybe it will be better than that and I will sure try.”

“When do we eat?”

“How long do I have to work here before I can collect unemployment(领取失业金) again?”

“Don’t checking into my record, but if do, she swore(发誓保证) she was 18.”

“I don’t hear the voices anymore. Do not. Do not, Do not. SHUT UP!!!”

“If you give me a job you’re OK but if you don’t you suck(倒霉).”

“I don’t DO applications(我不会主动申请岗职).”

“If I work here I’ll wear the stupid uniform(工装) as long as I can wear any kind of underwear(内衣) I want.”

“That’ll my first job since the Beatles broke up(甲壳虫对解散) because they really pissed me off(真的让我很生气).

” I won’t have to do anything , will I?”

“If I get sick (恶心呕吐)on the job, will I have to clean up my own puke(呕吐物)?”

“Can I bring my goat(山羊) to the company daycare center(公司护理中心)?”

“I collect guns. You probably want to tell me that I got the job now, right?”

“I’m not what? Oh yeah? Well here’s what you can do with your frigging’ job(这就是你们如何利用对待这种该死的工作的)……”


#英语##学英语##我们一起学英语##每日英语##英语思维##语言魅力##幽默##搞笑幽默##搞笑幽默趣闻##搞笑##娱乐##搞笑故事##故事##初中英语##高中英语##大学英语##成人英语##幽默##搞笑##娱乐##笑话# #高中英语##英语##学英语##我们一起学英语##每日英语##笑话##幽默##搞笑#










When it comes to the word"unreliable",how do you feel?

I’m about to explode!



What things do you go through ,making you so crazy?

不靠谱的面试。unreliable interview.


If you want to confirm the recuitment information is ture or not in case a waste of time with HR prior to the interview,she are about to argue with you.


Any questions you ask including the fixed salary range won't be mentioned until you discuss with him face to face in the interview.(in the case,a position with fixed salary and someone with many years'experience).


Interview procedure.You have double confirm the boss takes in charge with the interview directly by phone.Only when you are interviewed can you find the one who talk with you is HR not the bosss.Finally,you will be notified if any further information we have,I will let you know,the boss is not in the company due to provisional emergency.Hope you can understand it.


Who can understand you?Who should pay the unreliable interview?


To tell you the truth, the interview is merely ready for their work performance .Searching your salary structure is to provide the market research datas for the same position in the same line or different line.

Just a waste of time and money. I am down and out.You must say,I’m about to explode!


#今日阅读文章分享# Don't make these job interview mistakes. 职场英语:面试时应避免的错误!

1. Don't trash your old boss.别诋毁前上司。

First, don't bad-mouth your previous employer when asked why you left or are seeking a new job elsewhere.

"You should not throw your previous leader or company under the bus, even if it's true that you are leaving a toxic environment or horrible boss."

Instead, focus on why you are excited to be part of a new team.

"Leave well, take the high road and focus on the positives as to why you're wanting to join them," Coleman added.

2. Ditch the WFH attire.注意着装。

Don't make the mistake of dressing too casually, which can come off as unprofessional, even if you are interviewing from home.

"Put away the rabbit slippers and dress better than you think you have to."

3. Don't recite your resume.别重复简历内容。

"Tell me about yourself."

No one is looking for you to go through your work history, college degrees, certificates and titles.

Instead, it's an invitation to tell a story about yourself.

"What are your greatest weaknesses?"

The best way to address this question can be to highlight a weakness that you've worked hard to improve or eliminate by, for example, taking online classes in a particular discipline.

Rule of thumb(经验法则): "Don't say, 'I have a drinking problem,'" Slater quipped. "Start by nailing your strengths and showing you know what they are."

"You're being honest about a weakness, but at least it's one that you've recognized and taken steps to improve on."

4. Prepare questions.准备提问的问题。

Show you are keenly interested in a job by asking probing questions about the role, such as, "How will success be measured?" and "What's the growth trajectory of this role?"

It's also OK that candidates discuss salary and compensation early on in the recruiting process.

#工作中最喜欢听到的一句话# Double pay this month.


#考研复试# 【考研复试英语:这三类话题你不能不知道!】转眼已经进入3月中旬了,#考研国家线# 公布了以后,接下来最重要的就是复试备考了,今天咱们聊聊复试面试中英语面试的问题。注意咯,这三类话题你不能不知道!




Guy: So which of these applicants do you think we should interview?They all seem to fit the job description quite well to me. It’s quite a daunting task to narrow the list down to just one person.

Lisa: I agree. So, lets start by taking up references for these ten people.

Guy: OK. So why did you pick these ten out of the fifty who applied?

Lisa: Well, these ten all seem to be people who realise the importance of working as a team. They’ve all shown that they are capable of mastering new skills. And they’re all clearly comfortable with taking on responsibility.

Guy: Did you automatically eliminate the two who’d previously taken industrial action 1?

Lisa: One of them – I’d also heard rumours about his involvement in a professional misconduct case. He was certainly relieved of his duties 2 at ARG under mysterious circumstances. But the other was standing up for a woman who’d been wrongfully dismissed 3, even though he knew he might lose his own job. So he sounded good to me.

Guy: Fair enough. He must have strength of character to risk losing his own livelihood.

Lisa: That’s right. So could we pencil in a meeting for considering the references? And then I’d better leave you and go and clear my desk4 before I go home.

Guy: Yes, sure. How about Friday at 10?

1 take industrial action :gone on strike 罢工

2 be relived of duties: (formal) dismissed (正式用法)被开除

3 wrongfully dismisse: (formal, legal) unfairly dismissed (正式+法律用词) 不正当开除; 不公允的解雇

4 clear one's desk: deal with all the papers on one’s desk (also used when someone is clearing their desk because they are leaving their job) 下班前收拾东西走人

pencil in a meeting: 暂时安排;暂定一个会议

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