
   日期:2022-12-05     移动:http://mapp.b2b-1.com/news/104421.html
时间总在不经意间就悄悄溜走了,一年一度的暑假如期而至,在这炎热而漫长的假期里,同学们除了玩,也要把功课复习好哦,小编在这给大家带来 四年级英语下册暑假作业答案2021年最新,欢迎大家借鉴参考!,,
, 四年级英语下册暑假作业答案,练习一,Ⅰ. 1. untidy 2. stamp 3. interview 4. least 5. fan,Ⅱ. 1. collections 2. invited 3. did, start 4. has gone 5.came,6. did , buy, have,had 7. have left, don’t forget,Ⅲ. 1~5 BBBBC 6~10 ADACC,Ⅳ. 1. will look after 2. like doing 3. To develop 4.great success,5. such as,Ⅴ. 1. My favourite 2. How many 3. to do 4. When 5. Why do,练习二,Ⅰ. 1. She is afraid to walk in the dark. 2. Are you afraid of snakes ?,3. Could you tell me how old Tom is ?,4. By the way , why don’t you look up the word in the dictionary ?,5. I have heard that there is going to be a class meeting on Friday.,Ⅱ. 1~5 CADBD 6~10 AADAB,Ⅲ. 1.when the train leaves 2. if, wanted 3. if/ whether, was,4. don’t, not 5. Be, or,Ⅳ. 1~5 BADBB 6~10 CCDBC,练习三,Ⅰ. 1. make friends 2. day by day 3. at first 4. far away,5. at that moment 6. in a few weeks 7. worry about 8. as a result,9. smile at… 10. a couple of,Ⅱ. 1. take up 2. spends, practicing 3. At first 4. to do,5. I hope you can have a good time at the party.,Ⅲ. 1~5 FBGED,Ⅳ. 1. cut down 2. in danger 3. fresh 4. save 5. important,6. protect 7. waste 8. throw 9. plant 10. beautiful,Ⅴ. 1. It seems 2. 作者; writer,3. You should tell your parents what you need 4. BCA 5. C,练习二十一,I. 1. interesting 2. bored 3. cool 4. tiring 5. interested,II. 1~5 AABAA 6~10 BAADD,III. 1. had a good time 2. rode a camel 3. fantastic 4. a lot of,5. imagine 6. lonely 7. boring 8. travel 9. by ship,10. make up my mind 11. swimming 12. skiing 13. interesting,14. although 15. happy,IV. 1. trip 2. famous 3.with 4. when 5.excited 6.visited,7. taking 8. spent 9. but 10. asleep,练习二十二,I. 1~5 CBAAA 6~7 AB,II. 1. 送行 2. go to college 3. 由…制成 4. agree with sb.,5. 穿衣服 6. fall asleep 7. 叫醒 8. depend on,III. 1. I would go to China to eat dumplings.,2. I would go to South Africa to buy some gold.,3. I would go to Australia to see koala bears.,4. I would go to Japan to climb Mount Fuji.,IV. 1~3 DBA,练习二十三,I. 1~5 CABAB 6~10 AACBA,II. 1. bad 2. dirty 3. useless 4. wet,III. 1. football 2. Victoria Adams 3. his children,4. My side is the story of his football career for Manchester United and England, and of his childhood, family and personal life.,5. He learned so fast that he was able to go around and give concerts when he was only 11.,练习二十四,I. 1. he was ill, so he didn’t come to the meeting .,2. Because they learned new skills, they won the game.,3.She spoke in a low voice so that no one could hear.,4. I wouldn’t mind going by train but I don’t like to sit on a hard seat for long hours.,5. Although Giraffes are tall, they are very gentle animals.,6. He always has some smart ideas when we ask him.,7. I worked in that factory for five years before I came to this factory.,8. We kept on dancing and singing until they all joined us.,9. I am playing football while my brother is writing a letter.,10. I will come to your place as soon as you ask me.,II. 1~5 BACBD,III. The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese. It falls on,the first day of the first month in the Chinese lunar calendar. On the eve of,the Spring Festival the Chinese have a family feast. After that they stay up till midnight to welcome the Spring Festival with firecrackers. On New Year’s Day, people visit their relatives and friends to exchange New Year’s greetings. Children receive a lot of gift money., 2021暑假计划表,第一, 学习计划,1.争取7月1日至7月20日完 成语、数、外三门暑假作业。计划大概每天完成6面暑假作业。,2.预习语文六年级上册的古诗词,文言文,日积月累等等。并有重点的选择背诵。,3.预习六年级上册数学相关内容。,4.预习六年级上册英语的课程,默写有关单词,听磁带。,5.每天看课外书,报纸,还可以看看动画片,但时间不能太长。,6.写暑假 日记一本, 作文10篇,练好钢笔字。,第二,生活计划,1.培养个人的生活能力,比如:做饭、洗衣服。帮父母干一些力所能及的 家务活,扫扫地,给父母捶捶背,帮父母买点东西等等。,2.要注意个人安全等方面问题,不私自下河 游泳,不能私自外出,不做危险违法的事。,3.要每天锻炼身体,坚持跑步,每个星期天去爬一次山。每个星期六去游泳馆游泳一次。每天还要早起,不睡懒觉。如果父母不在家,不能给陌生人开门,不跟陌生人讲话.。见人要有礼貌。, 暑假安全常识,暑假是雷雨多发季节,雷击伤亡事故时有发生。因此,大家应高度重视雷雨天的自身安全,掌握必要的安全防护知识。,1、应注意关闭门窗,切断家用电器的电源,并拔掉插头;不靠近水管、暖气管等导电物体;不在灯头线下站立;不在喷头下淋浴;不拨打手机。,2、不在高楼平台上停留;不在走廊聚集、奔跑及大声呼喊。,3、不进入孤立的棚屋、岗亭等低矮建筑物;不在大树下躲避雷雨。,4、不在旷野中打雨伞和高举 其它金属物件;不在旷野中奔跑;不穿戴湿衣、鞋、帽等走动。,5、不骑行自行车;不进行户外球类活动;,6、乘坐汽车、火车等,不要将头、手伸出窗外。,7、不要把晾晒衣服被褥的铁丝,接到窗户及房门上。,8、突遇雷电时,应立即下蹲降低自身高度,同时将双脚并拢,双手放在膝上,身体其它部位不要接触地面,以减少跨步电压带来的危害。,9、一旦人体遭雷击后,往往出现“假死”状态,此时应进行口对口人工呼吸和体外心脏按摩,往往可以出现奇迹。在抢救的同时要立即拨打120电话请求急救。,
, 2021四年级英语下册暑假作业答案, 2021四年级语文下册暑假作业答案, 2021小学三年级英语下册暑假作业题及答案, 2021小学二年级英语暑假作业答案(阅读理解题), 2021八年级下册英语暑假作业参考答案, 五年级下册暑假作业答案大全2021, 2021五年级数学下册暑假作业答案, 2021年小学五年级暑假作业答案, 2021七年级历史下册暑假作业答案
免责声明:四年级英语下册暑假作业答案2022年来源于互联网,如有侵权请通知我们删除! (留言)

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